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French Words of Endearment – Complete Vocabulary Sheet

French has many affectionate terms used to express love, care, and closeness. Whether used for romantic partners, children, or close friends, these words of endearment add warmth and charm to any relationship.

1. Romantic Endearments (Les Mots d’Amour Romantiques)

These terms are commonly used between lovers.

  • Mon amour – My love
  • Mon cœur – My heart
  • Mon chéri / Ma chérie – My darling
  • Mon trésor – My treasure
  • Mon ange – My angel
  • Mon bébé – My baby
  • Mon chaton – My kitten
  • Ma belle / Mon beau – My beautiful one / My handsome one
  • Mon prince / Ma princesse – My prince / My princess
  • Ma perle – My pearl
  • Mon rayon de soleil – My sunshine
  • Mon bijou – My jewel
  • Mon petit cœur – My little heart

Example Sentence:

  • Mon trésor, tu es tout pour moi. (My treasure, you are everything to me.)

2. Affectionate Nicknames for Friends (Les Surnoms Affectueux pour Les Amis)

These are terms of affection used between close friends.

  • Mon pote – My buddy (informal)
  • Ma cocotte – My little hen (a sweet term for a close female friend)
  • Mon loulou / Ma louloute – A playful, affectionate term
  • Mon vieux / Ma vieille – My old pal (used among close friends)
  • Mon copain / Ma copine – My friend (can also mean boyfriend/girlfriend in some contexts)
  • Ma biche – My doe
  • Ma douce – My sweet one

Example Sentence:

  • Ma puce, ça fait longtemps qu’on ne s’est pas vus ! (My sweetie, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other!)

3. Endearing Words for Children (Les Mots Tendre pour Les Enfants)

These words of affection are often used for children.

  • Ma puce – My flea (a cute, affectionate term for a little girl)
  • Mon petit / Ma petite – My little one
  • Mon poussin – My chick
  • Mon lapin – My bunny
  • Mon doudou – My cuddly one
  • Mon bout de chou – My little cabbage
  • Ma princesse – My princess
  • Mon canard – My little duck
  • Mon ourson – My little bear
  • Ma grenouille – My little frog
  • Mon petit ange – My little angel
  • Mon bonhomme – My little man
  • Mon trésor – My treasure

Example Sentence:

  • Viens ici, mon petit ange, je vais te raconter une histoire. (Come here, my little angel, I’ll tell you a story.)

4. Family Endearments (Les Mots Tendres pour La Famille)

Affectionate terms often used within families, especially between parents and children.

  • Papa – Dad
  • Maman – Mom
  • Papi – Grandpa
  • Mamie – Grandma
  • Mon grand – My big one (used for older children)
  • Mon petit / Ma petite – My little one
  • Mon fiston – My son (informal, affectionate)
  • Ma fille – My daughter
  • Ma grande – My big girl
  • Mon neveu / Ma nièce – My nephew / My niece
  • Mon petit chou – My little darling
  • Mon p’tit loup – My little wolf (cute term for boys)

Example Sentence:

  • Mon grand, tu as bien grandi depuis la dernière fois ! (My big one, you’ve grown a lot since last time!)

5. Unique and Playful Endearments (Les Surnoms Affectueux et Originaux)

Here are some quirky and playful endearments that may be used affectionately in various relationships.

  • Mon nounours – My teddy bear
  • Mon p’tit poussin – My little chick
  • Ma caille – My quail
  • Mon doudou – My soft toy (used affectionately)
  • Mon sucre d’orge – My sugarplum
  • Mon lapinou – My little bunny
  • Ma loutre – My otter
  • Mon p’tit bonhomme – My little man
  • Mon petit dragon – My little dragon (used playfully)
  • Mon cher et tendre – My dear and tender

Example Sentence:

  • Mon nounours, tu es toujours là pour moi. (My teddy bear, you’re always there for me.)

6. Common Phrases of Affection (Les Phrases d’Affectation Courantes)

These are common phrases expressing love, care, and affection.

  • Je t’adore, mon chéri. – I adore you, my darling.
  • Tu es mon trésor. – You are my treasure.
  • Mon cœur, tu me rends heureux / heureuse. – My heart, you make me happy.
  • Je suis fou/folle de toi. – I’m crazy about you.
  • Ma douce, tu es tout pour moi. – My sweet one, you are everything to me.
  • Mon ange, je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. – My angel, I can’t live without you.

Practice Quiz

Test your knowledge with this short quiz:

  1. What is the French word for “my darling” used for a man?
  2. How do you say “my little angel” in French?
  3. Translate: “You are my sunshine.”
  4. What is the French term for “my treasure”?
  5. How do you say “my little bunny” in French?


With this comprehensive French vocabulary of endearments, you’ll be able to express your love and affection to friends, family, children, and romantic partners. Whether you’re using playful nicknames or romantic words, these terms will help bring warmth to any conversation.

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